Thursday, April 4, 2019

Video assignment #Vaccination

Hi and assalamualaikum guys! I am back for another updates for week 9. Do you remember what I promised you last week? YES! I am going to share with you our explainer video for our assignment 2 that made by my group mates and I. 

To be honest, it was not easy okay. So many tiny tiny small small things that we have to handle and edit to make it fall in perfect place in the video (serious). However, even with the difficulties faced, but with the cooperation of my group mates, everything just fall perfectly. I am so grateful for that and so grateful that we can submitted the video on time as requested by Madam Azida.

Apart of the difficulties faced, it was a new experience for me in editing this video explainer. I am so lucky because one of my group mate, she is quite an expert in editing this animation video. I learned a lot from her and also of course from Madam Azida. She showed us various explainer videos in Youtube for us to get some ideas such as, the characters, background music and transitions. This week, madam showed my video as well as my classmates' videos. I am so amazed by other videos made by my classmates. They are so creative! Not to forget to mention, madam love all of our videos. I hope we get high marks for the video (hehe thank you madam).

Okay so before I end this post, I will share the link of the explainer video. It was posted in my friend's blog, so just click the link here and you can watch it! Remember everyone, when you becomes parents one fine day or maybe you are now parents, please please and please vaccinate your children. I hope when you watched my video, you will know that why it is important to get vaccinate.

That is all for now. Till my next post. Stay tuned!

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