Thursday, April 4, 2019

Instructional Design

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! Phewwww week 10 already (finals coming....) Okay so last week I already shared to you about my assignment video. Have you guys watch it? Better you guys watch it if not, you will be missed with important things that I shared there. Basically this week, I will share a new knowledge that I just learned in the class just now. Today, madam taught me about instructional design. What is that?

Instructional Design - A systematic process that is employed to develop education and training programs in a consistent and reliable fashion. (Reiser and Dempsey 2007)

In addition, it may be thought of as a framework for developing modules or lesson. It often uses instructional technology as a method for developing instruction. Basically, it is the practice of systematically designing, developing and delivering instructional products and experiences both digital and physical. There were many models and theories that I had to learn and understand before Madam Azida asked us to create our own software assessment which is called e-learning courseware. But of course, Madam will guide us beforehand. 

Instructional design is also can related with CALL. The instructional design in CALL involves creating computer courseware for learning. The courseware acts as supplement or support to lesson and not as complete replacement. Other than that, you can design the courseware for inside and outside of lesson. In th class, Madam mentioned that learning outcomes is more important compared to objectives because the two are completely different things! Learning outcomes gives the lessons a unified aim to be achieved. 

Besides, I also learned that there were actually many ISD models such as Gagne 9 Events, Dick and Carey, Rapid Prototyping, Guaranteed Learning, ASSURE and ARCS. I will explain these models next week on my next post (since we already have too much to adopt this week).

Last but not least, before the class ended, madam taught us about ADDIE Model. What is ADDIE model? ADDIE is not a name okay. 

ADDIE model is a framework for the development of instructional coursework. To make you understand it better, I put the picture below on further explanation on ADDIE model. 

So guys, I think that is all about for this week post. Too much knowledge I think. Do not worry, next week, I will update more on instructional design since I just learned only the basic today. As I said above, I will explain more on ISD models. So, stay tuned everyone for new knowledge next week! 

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