Thursday, April 25, 2019

More info on SmartBuilder!

Literally me when people asking me if I am ok during this final week

Assalamualaikum and hi guys! Welcome back to my blog. Phewww how times flies isn't it? We are now on week 13! One more week to go and I'm done with semester 7. For my last posting, I mentioned about what is Smart Builder right? So, let me ask you something. Do you familiar with the picture above? If you did means that you already downloaded the Smart Builder software (Yay!) I hope that, you now have some ideas on what is Smart Builder.

Basically this week, Madam Azida taught us more about editing and using the software. This week, she taught us on how to insert the audio into the our learning course ware and also how to edit the template for the exercises and test. Oh, not to forget, she also taught us how to create and insert motion. Interesting right? This software has template? Yes, the software comes with a range of pre-set templates for quick and easy entry and these can be customised as much or as little as you wish.  SmartBuilder is the only tool that allows authors to create wizard-based templates using the tool itself. So, the library of wizard-based templates is always growing. 

This is where you can edit your template!

Other than that, you can change designs quickly using styles and themes. You can create custom styles and themes for different projects. Next, change the look of all objects in a single step to rebrand a course and also use format copy-paste to change the look of individually selected objects. For my group e-learning courseware assignment, we are more than half way to finish it. We done with the transition between pages, the audio and the button clicks. For now, we just have to complete the exercises and test in the e-learning courseware. I cannot wait to finish it and I cannot wait to do the lesson of my own e-learning courseware (haha). 

I think that is all for now. Do not forget to try it okay! Even though that it was complicated but it is fun. I always asked for my friend's help in doing this. Do together with your friend to make your courseware more creative. Good luck! Till my next post, xo

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Smart Builder

Image result for smart builder

Hi everyone welcome back to my blog. So today I am going to share with all of you a new knowledge that I had learned in the class this last Monday and Thursday. First of all, do you guys familiar with Smart Builder? If it is your first time know about it then we're both are same! (lol) Okay so let's begin our lesson!

What actually is Smart Builder? 

Smart Builder = Fastest e-learning authoring tool for creating serious e-learning including scenarios, gamification, branching, assessments and more.

SmartBuilder gives us the ability to have sophisticated learning functions and features without hiring programmers. (interesting right?) Before I forget you have to pay when you want to use or access this software. But but but, there is a good news for you! You actually can use their free 30 days trial. Here's the link if you want to download it. Just click here and click the free trial then sign up and you are ready to go!

My classmates and I, we are using this free trial to make our e-learning courseware assessment.  Basically, Madam Azida asked us to use this software to create our e-learning courseware and also asked us to design it creatively.

Since this software is quite complicated to use, so Madam taught us some of the basic steps to use it. After I learnt it, I found that it was not really difficult to use it once you understand it but, there's like small little things that you have to adjust here and there. Before we proceed to make our courseware, my group mates and I, we decided to choose to teach synonym and antonym in our e-learning courseware. After Madam Azida taught us some few steps on how to use this software, she asked us to do our own short lesson using the Smart Builder. She did this to test whether we were actually understand and we concentrate in the class. Luckily, I made it! (hehe) Do not worry if you think you cannot do it, I will provide you a basic steps on using this software. Just click HERE Goodluck!

Do not forget to download and try it okay! After I finish the courseware, I will share with all of you the lesson. Till my next post. Stay tuned!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Gagne 9 Events

Hi and assalamualakum everyone! Hope everyone have a nice day. Well.. today as promised last week, I am going to update what I learned this week to you. Madam asked us to present ISD models which are Gagne 9 Events, Dick and Carey, Rapid Prototyping, Guaranteed Learning, ASSURE and ARCS. Do you remember I already mentioned about these last week? (Recall!) So, my group mates and I, we got Gagne 9 events to be presented in the class. So what is Gagne 9 events? 

Before I explained further about this model, let me give you a brief history or background about this model. This model was developed by an educational psychologist, Robert Gagne in 1940s. So now we know the Gagne 9 Events came from his name. Gagne created a nine-step process that detailed each element required for effective learning. Besides, this model is useful for all types of learning! 

Gagne's Nine Levels of Learning model gives trainers and educators a checklist to use before they engage in teaching or training activities. Each step highlights a form of communication that aids the learning process. When each step is completed in turn, learners are much more likely to be engaged and to retain the information or skills that they're being taught.

"Gagnés nine steps are general considerations to be taken into account when designing instruction. Although some steps might need to be rearranged (or might be unnecessary) for certain types of lessons, the general set of considerations provide a good checklist of key design steps."
 (Good, Brophy, 1977).

This is a poster about Gagne 9 Events that me and my group mates had prepared for our presentation. We put some history about this model and also the 9 steps of this models.

Okay so let's move to the 9 steps of this model.

1st step is create an attention-grabbing introductionStart the learning experience by gaining the attention of your audience. You can gain attention by raising the volume of your voice, gesturing, showing a short video on the topic of instruction.

2nd step is provide a learning objective. You must ensure that your team knows what they need to learn, and that they really understand why they're about to learn this new information. You have to explain to your team what they will have learnt by the end of the session. Then, explain how their learning is going to benefit them, and the organization.

3rd step is stimulating recall of prior learning. When your people learn something new, match the new information with related information or topics they've learned in the past. You can review any previous learning that you've done with your team, and apply it to what they're learning now.

(still good to go?) 

4th step is presenting the stimulus. Present the new information to the group in an effective manner. Organize your information in a logical and easy-to-understand manner.

5th step is providing learning guidance. In order to help your team learn and retain the information, provide alternative approaches that illustrate the information that you're trying to convey. Even the most advanced online learners may need support when it comes to learning new skill sets and absorbing new knowledge.

6th step is eliciting performance. Here, you need to ensure that your people can demonstrate their knowledge of what you've taught them. Repetition is key to absorbing and retaining new knowledge and skills.

7th step is  providing feedback. You have to give your learners timely and constructive feedback they have the power to improve learning behaviors and identify their weaknesses and strengths.

(almost finish..)

8th step is assessing performance. In this stage, your team should be able to complete a test, or other measurement tool, to show that they've learned the material or skill effectively. Team members should complete this test independently, without any help or coaching from you. Try give them tests, short questionnaires, or even essays can be good ways of testing your team's new knowledge.

9th step (final one!) is enhancing retention and transfer. Your learners must always be aware of how they can apply what they have learned once they step out of the virtual learning environment. 

Gagne's Nine Levels of Learning provide a useful approach that helps managers to structure the learning process. Each different stage complements the others, and by working through all nine levels, you can help to ensure that your team fully understands and retains information.

Phew okay so I think that is all for now. I hope you can absorb this information and may your brain can act like a sponge (i hope so). So, till my next post. Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Instructional Design

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! Phewwww week 10 already (finals coming....) Okay so last week I already shared to you about my assignment video. Have you guys watch it? Better you guys watch it if not, you will be missed with important things that I shared there. Basically this week, I will share a new knowledge that I just learned in the class just now. Today, madam taught me about instructional design. What is that?

Instructional Design - A systematic process that is employed to develop education and training programs in a consistent and reliable fashion. (Reiser and Dempsey 2007)

In addition, it may be thought of as a framework for developing modules or lesson. It often uses instructional technology as a method for developing instruction. Basically, it is the practice of systematically designing, developing and delivering instructional products and experiences both digital and physical. There were many models and theories that I had to learn and understand before Madam Azida asked us to create our own software assessment which is called e-learning courseware. But of course, Madam will guide us beforehand. 

Instructional design is also can related with CALL. The instructional design in CALL involves creating computer courseware for learning. The courseware acts as supplement or support to lesson and not as complete replacement. Other than that, you can design the courseware for inside and outside of lesson. In th class, Madam mentioned that learning outcomes is more important compared to objectives because the two are completely different things! Learning outcomes gives the lessons a unified aim to be achieved. 

Besides, I also learned that there were actually many ISD models such as Gagne 9 Events, Dick and Carey, Rapid Prototyping, Guaranteed Learning, ASSURE and ARCS. I will explain these models next week on my next post (since we already have too much to adopt this week).

Last but not least, before the class ended, madam taught us about ADDIE Model. What is ADDIE model? ADDIE is not a name okay. 

ADDIE model is a framework for the development of instructional coursework. To make you understand it better, I put the picture below on further explanation on ADDIE model. 

So guys, I think that is all about for this week post. Too much knowledge I think. Do not worry, next week, I will update more on instructional design since I just learned only the basic today. As I said above, I will explain more on ISD models. So, stay tuned everyone for new knowledge next week! 

Video assignment #Vaccination

Hi and assalamualaikum guys! I am back for another updates for week 9. Do you remember what I promised you last week? YES! I am going to share with you our explainer video for our assignment 2 that made by my group mates and I. 

To be honest, it was not easy okay. So many tiny tiny small small things that we have to handle and edit to make it fall in perfect place in the video (serious). However, even with the difficulties faced, but with the cooperation of my group mates, everything just fall perfectly. I am so grateful for that and so grateful that we can submitted the video on time as requested by Madam Azida.

Apart of the difficulties faced, it was a new experience for me in editing this video explainer. I am so lucky because one of my group mate, she is quite an expert in editing this animation video. I learned a lot from her and also of course from Madam Azida. She showed us various explainer videos in Youtube for us to get some ideas such as, the characters, background music and transitions. This week, madam showed my video as well as my classmates' videos. I am so amazed by other videos made by my classmates. They are so creative! Not to forget to mention, madam love all of our videos. I hope we get high marks for the video (hehe thank you madam).

Okay so before I end this post, I will share the link of the explainer video. It was posted in my friend's blog, so just click the link here and you can watch it! Remember everyone, when you becomes parents one fine day or maybe you are now parents, please please and please vaccinate your children. I hope when you watched my video, you will know that why it is important to get vaccinate.

That is all for now. Till my next post. Stay tuned!

Explainer video? What is it?

Hi and Assalamualaikum everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Phew now is already week 8 well well.. how time flies is it? Alright so today I'm going to tell you guys a new knowledge I got for this week 8. 

Basically, Madam Azida told us about our assignment 2, which is explainer video. Wait.. what is explainer video? I bet everyone had watched explainer video. 

Explainer Video - Short animated video that focuses on explaining a business idea in a simple, engaging and compelling way by using a clear and concise language which is appealing and attractive visuals that quickly grab the viewers' attention.

So, for this assignment, we have to create an explainer video or campaign by using any animation maker such as Powtoon that I told you before and also Animaker. To make our works easier, madam showed us some example of explainer video in Youtube so that somehow, we can get ideas on videos that we want to create later. She also asked us to prepare the topic for our video and asked us to be in group of three.

My group mates and I, we decided to create explainer video about Importance of Vaccination.

We chose this topic because we want to educate or maybe to inform people out there about the importance to do the vaccination on their children. Some of people they did not want to vaccine their children because of some reasons, for example, hesitate of halal status, do not have time (seriously?) and many more. So, we hope that by doing this video can somehow change the mindset of people out there that refused to do the vaccination.

We discussed what the things that need to be display in the video and we will make it interesting for people to watch. We are still in progress making the video however, next week, I will post the video. So, stay tuned!