Friday, February 8, 2019

Get to know CALL & Canva

Hello guys and hope everyone have a nice day! Basically for week 2, I have two new interesting information to share with you guys. Before I start, I would like to wish Happy Chinese New Year! (yes I know its too late now) (but better late than never) I almost, almost forgot to update my new post since currently now I am fully enjoying my midterm break (well, not really a "midterm" break) since I just got into new semester for only 2 weeks. Okay enough with that, so what is CALL? and what is Canva? 🧐 Without further due, lets get started!

Last week, during my class Madam Azida taught me and my classmates about CALL(no,no not that hellohello call). So, what is CALL actually? CALL is the acronym for Computer Assisted Language Learning which an approach to language teaching and learning in which when we use computer as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned and usually including a substantial interactive element. Wow, wow such a long definition isn't it? To make it simpler, CALL are the activities that use computers and internet in teaching and learning new language.

Other than that, for your information, there are various type of CALL programme such as CALL-specific software, web-based learning materials, generic software and computer-mediated communication or known as CMC. The one that I use now, blogging, is one of the example of web-based learning. During the lecture, I got to know about the progression of CALL which are Behaviouristic CALL, Communicative CALL and Integrated CALL. Madam Azida taught us the differences as well as the advantages of each of the progression. Now, I am going to briefly tell you the definition of each of the progression. Behaviouristic CALL involves repetitive drill and practice for the students while Communicative Call is more focuses on the usage of the language. Last but not least, Integrated CALL is integrating technology more fully into language teaching. 

Next, for the last class of the week, Madam Azida taught  and guide us a new thing which is on how to use Canva. Wait... what is Canva? 🤔 Does any of you know about it or use it? If you guys know about it before I tell you, you guys are a step above me 😂 (bcs I just know it when Madam told me lol) For the first timer here, (we're gang!), let me share with you. Canva is graphic-design tool website and it provide access to million photographs, graphics and fonts. Basically, you can design anything with Canva. Anything and can publish it anywhere. I am so excited with the existence of this website (est since 2012, I just discovered in 2019 lol). Madam asked us to design our first post entry based on our own creativity (but I’m not creative) (I'm the least creative in class I think) (Sorry madam)

I think Canva website going to benefits all of you either you are students, teachers, employers, and even housewives too. You can make birthday invitation cards for your children! 🎉 So, click here for the link. Sign up and you are ready to go! Anyway, that's all for now. I hope this post somehow will benefits you on CALL and Canva website. Stay tune for more information and knowledge!


This is one of the example graphic design using Canva. There's lot more!

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