Hello! Welcome back everyone! So, now I’m on my week 3 phew. This week, Madam Azida taught us about search engines and online database on the first class of the week and CMC & ESL on the second class of the week. Now I’m going to explain one by one to make you easy to catch up. So, have fun learning and stay focus okay? 💪🏼
First and foremost, I want to share with you guys about what are actually search engine and online database. I bet you know what search engine is right? 😉
- Search engine is a web tool that allows users to enter keywords and find informations on websites contained in its database.
- Online database is a computer application that is delivered from the internet that stores and organizes data to make it accessible to the user.
Basically, search engine has it own database. Example of search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing and many more! You also should keep an online database so that you can access your information from anywhere not only at work.
There are 4 types of search engines which are;
- Database - where all indexed webpages are stored. In simpler terms, it known as storage.
- Web crawler - it looks like a spider! 🕷Web crawler crawls all over web page collecting infromations. But how does it collected? Yup, through keywords, titles, synonyms, relevancy and access frequency.
- User interface - user friendly application/site/page where users may input query and search results are presented.
- Info retrievel system - system used to match user’s query to indexed webpages found in database. Results presented in rank according to relevance.
Other than that, there are actually two types of search engines which are, specialized search engine and meta search engine. Example of specialized search engine are Google Scholar, Education World, Pipl.com, Sketch Engine and many more. Meanwhile, for meta search engine the example are Dogpile.com, Meta Crawler and savvy search. Above all, now you have more options when you want to search on or about something. Try it now!
Apart from that, on the second class, madam taught me about CMC which is the acronym for computer-mediated communication. Wait.. what is CMC? Something popped out from your head? 💡? Okay let me tell you, CMC is any form of communication or interaction between two or more people via separate computer through network communication.
CMC in education started in late 1980 & 1990. It become widespread with use of email and forums. It was implemented for long distance teaching/learning. There are 2 types of CMC which are:
- Asynchronous - which means it’s not happen in real time. Message are not exchanged and replied too immediately. For example, emails, internet forums, blogs & message board.
- Synchronous - means real time communication. Message can exchanged immediately. It also allows direct communication. For example, internet chat rooms (Whatsapp, iMessage) video/audio conferencing and messenger.
In late 2000s, CMC was implemented for long distance learning. Synchronous communication allows teachers and learners to interact without being in same location. For instance, video conference and e-tutoring. You can go to this website to find out more. Sign up and you are ready to go! There are some courses that you have to paid to access it but hey don’t worry there’s lots and lots of courses that are free.
I think that’s all my knowledge rant for now. I hope this may benefits you. Till for the next post, stay tuned!