Friday, January 25, 2019

All the basic you need to know

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone. Welcome! and hope that this blog can benefits you in what you are seeking to. About me, okay so I've been given name Aifaa Fatihah by my lovely father, Faizul Azwan b Yaacob and my dearest mother, Masita bt Jaafar. I was blessedly born on 22 February 1996 and was raised in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Well, I love coconut water. Trust me coconut water drives me nuts! And also chocolates. Milk chocolates ft dark chocolates. Nyums! What's more? I have different personalities with different people, I guess it depends on who I am with. I love living in small circle of people because it feels so tranquil. I love babies so much like so much, so much? When I see babies, I love making weird faces to make them giggles and sometimes cry too (sorry not sorry) (babies are so emotional) Idk how it will be if one day I have my own children. I am going to fall in love every. single. day. 😍

My lovely lecturer’s name is Madam Azidatun-Noor Bt Saidin. Basically, this is not my first time learning with her. This is my third time learning with her and other than that, she also taught me during my diploma times. And oh, she was also my mentor during my diploma. When I knew that she is going to teach me again this semester, I am really looking forward to it. Okay enough with my lecturer for this subject. Since I registered a bit late for this semester, so I cannot make it for the first class. So yeah, I entered the second class. Madam Azida asked me to create this blog. I feel so excited since I am able to write blog. I never been a blogger before and I am always want to try to be a blogger for ages but thinking of what should I write, what should I share, will people be boring reading it.., so the idea of being a blogger just shut down. Surprisingly, this semester, I got chance to have a blog account and if Allah wills, I will able to share beneficial knowledge to some people out there about this subject. Basically, I will share my assignments and my lessons about this subject in this blog. I hope it will benefits some of you so, stay tuned! 💚

My main expectation for this subject is that first and foremost of course, I hope this subject somehow will beneficial for me in future as well as everyone else. Secondly, I hope I will pass this subject with flying colors. I also hope that I really will understand this subject to its core so that with the knowledge that I gain from this subject, I can share it to people out there and help people on internet technologies for language.
